June 7, 2019

In July of 2018, the Office of the United States Trade Representative imposed a 25% Section 301 tariff on certain goods imported into the U.S. from China.

Now, the White House has announced a tariff will be imposed on goods from Mexico. Effective June 10, 2019, the tariff will start at 5% and can increase to as much as 25% in the coming months. While it is common for companies in our industry to use these tariffs as a justification to raise prices, DMF is committed to delivering the same excellent products and value that you have come to expect.

“ Our intention is to keep our prices at the same levels despite tariffs. We understand how important it is for our customers to move forward without interrupting ongoing projects or disrupting future plans.”

Ian Ibbitson, CTO/CFO

By making this promise to you, we seek to give you the confidence to continue working with our company. DMF’s greatest asset is the trust our customers place in us, and we hope to continue our successful relationships far into the future.

If you have any questions regarding this or any other DMF policies, please contact us at info@dmflighting.com.


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